Archive for September 27th, 2008|Daily archive page

Live blog

I’m blogging ‘live’ from the Accenture offices in Milton Keynes, a tutor debrief for the e-business course which I’ve been tutoring for the last six months.

We’re looking at feedback from students, tutors and athe academic staff on a block by block basis.. given that some of these blocks were studied in May, it’s dragging back some memories for us.

Still, it comes as a relatively ‘light relief’ considering the last couple of days.  Induction went well, though as aways there were unexpected incidents and things didn’t always go entirely to plan.

My talk on ‘essentials’ and plagiarism seemed to get the balance right between humour, informing them, and frightening them about the penalties for teaching.  I’ve converted the presentation to a movie, and uploaded it onto YouTube – see below (note – the timer seems to ‘jump’ – a feature of YouTube, the video will play.

Having survived last week, it’s now looking forward to teaching next semester.  Planning for teaching seven modules was never going to be easy, but it’s been even more of a struggle than I remember in the past.  I’m sure there will be some JITT (just in time teaching) over the next couple of weeks.

But tonight it’s party party party time in Luton – the city (well town) that never sleeps.