Archive for July 17th, 2007|Daily archive page

Course preparation

Working from home today, getting my moodle modules into shape.  The new version of moodle (we’ve recently been upgraded) has a handy ‘reset course’ setting, which allows all student information (forum posts etc.) to be wiped, but retaining the learning materials.  This makes is much easier to move a course to another instance.

I’m also proofreading and checking the ITMB prospectus entry for 2009!  I’m  not sure whether this is for September 2008 entry, or September 2009 entry, but either way it’s a long way ahead.  The only substantial changes needed are to remove reference to the ‘newness’ of the scheme – with the first cohort entering their final year, I don’t think it can really be called new.

Outside work, I’m having a crisis of confidence regarding my new laptop, considering this time last week I was all set to order the machine, I’m still concerned about the cost, when compared to a Windoze based machine.

Tomorrow is a busy day, poster presentations, supervisor meetings and discussion about supervisor allocation.   Good job it’s near vacation time!